We understand the importance of innovation and professionalism

Since its inception in 1998, Lift Engineering company  continues its long-held legacy that was initiated by its founder, Eng. Ashour Farahat. Eng. Ashour Faraht is an engineering consultant

obtained an extensive experience in elevators and escalators, working for Schindler Elevator Corporation as an electric power engineer for more than 50 years. His professional experience was fostered, as he was assigned to receive apprenticeships in Swiss, Germany, and Italy about the latest trends in elevator technologies. Further, he is an author of a book entitled “The Electric Elevators”, which has been selected to be included as a curriculum book for vocational high schools. He is also a co-founder of KSA- based Ultra Elevator Co., whereby he acts as the Managing Director. Thanks to his professional experience since 1967, he is a member of the permanent Committee for the Egyptian Code of Practice for Lifts, as he is assigned to develop elevator design standards and regulations for hydraulic and electric elevators.

Engineering Co. For Elevators offers specialized elevator services: supply, installation and maintenance of all types of elevators. Offering our services for top international brands, we successfully managed to create remarkable brand positioning in the Egyptian market. Our professional staff of senior engineers and experienced technicians contribute to the success of Engineering Co. For Elevators, as a leading brand nationally.

Elevator Doors

We offer all types of the elevator doors (manual, automatic, swing doors for hospitals, and freight elevator doors). As our company is the direct importer of shock – proof elevator doors, conforming to all the safety standards and product specification. We also provide innovative solutions for buildings with no headroom vertical limits.

SICOR machines

We offer a variety of options of Italy-made SICOR machines, including the geared traction machines, and the gearless machines, which are directly imported from the internationally recognized brand. This is in addition to offering technical solutions for any type of lifting platforms.We offer options delivered in accordance to the highest quality standardsSicor gearbox options range covers various loads starting from lift with 6 Persons and 480 Kg of capacity shaft size up to 5000 kg in 1:1 roping, speeds up to 2m/s.

GMV hydraulic system

We offer advanced technological solutions, GMV hydraulics, which is the best solution suitable for high –rise buildings, ascending above the extreme point of shaft. As a machine room less elevator, it doesn’t have a fixed machine room on the top of the hoistway. In case that 380V three phase power supply source isn’t available, we offer 220V single phase installation. We also offer technical support services offered by our seasoned team about the ideal the product specification, such as capacity of the lift pump set and the diameter of the lift cylinder.

Wire Ropes

As people’s safety matters, our company imports high- performance elevator hoist ropes of the best global brands used in the premises of the multinational companies. Our solutions are fully compliant with the international safety codes.

Elevator Equipment

We strive for dealing with reliable international manufacturers aligning with Egyptian code and the European elevator safety standard, in order to offer elevator equipment at affordable prices. Proudly, our company is the first-hand supplier for most of the best international brands.

Escalators & moving walks

We offer code – compliant escalators and moving walks , can be easily installed to suit any building and to be used safely and comfortably . We offer the installation services for various buildings and infrastructures (airports, metro stations, and hyper markets).

We're here to help you get started in the right direction with your project

value customers users viewer

Our Clients

We have been operating in the Egyptian market for half a century, whilst introducing new technologies for our clients. We proudly offered our services for prestigious clients nationwide, among which are major government entities, contracting companies, and individuals. We sustain a leading position in the market, serving more than 2000 clients; Our professional staff had carried out more than 20,000 elevator installation process in entities and public -sector entities.

Experts with experience

Lec company

We’re dealing with entities of an elevator factory, spare parts and missions from global companies with a name and a history as long

Knowledgeable professionals

We’ve served the Egyptian market for 50 years and provided new technology for the market.
We have been working with the major government agencies, the public service and individuals at the level of the Republic,

50+ Years of Experience

ISO 9001 Certification

24/7 availability

Call any day, any time


Work with detailed reports

Completed Projects


Qualified Engineers


projects under procceing



We have reached partnerships with renowned international companies.



We work with a select range of partners


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Call us and get it done

When you hire us for Elevator services, you know you’re getting highly qualified professionals who have the expertise and experience to make sure your project is done properly
and functions.